Grace Financial will be closed for MLK Day on January 20th, reopening on the 21st ×

Targeted support drives vital growth

Church planting and leadership development are essential for the continued health and growth of Charis Fellowship. Grace Financial effectively multiplies and strategically allocates your financial gifts to these crucial initiatives.

How your giving helps fuel a movement

Church Planting

Grace Financial partners financially with Charis churches seeking to reproduce themselves. Our objective is to facilitate strategic church planting for congregations that possess a biblically-propelled vision, trained leadership and a sustainable plan. With stakeholder buy-in from these churches, we serve as an accelerant encouraging the challenging work of church planting.

Did you know?

According to Barna Group, only one in four Americans claims to be a practicing Christian, meaning they agree strongly that faith is important in their lives and have attended church in the past month. That represents a decline of nearly 50% since 2000.

Leadership Development

Grace Financial contributes towards increasing the pool of well trained pastors and leaders within the Charis community. We work directly with several Charis organizations to ensure that emerging leaders and aspiring pastors who are willing to enter the ministry are able to afford training through scholarships and grants.

Did you know?

More and more pastors are retiring from ministry and there is an urgent need for qualified, passionate leaders. Those leaders are becoming increasingly more difficult to find as fewer people enter into vocational ministry.


Why give through Grace Financial?

While it can be troubling to see an increase in church closures and retiring pastors, none of this is a surprise to our God. We know He is firmly in control, and He invites us to use our gifts and resources to contribute to His redemptive work. We strongly believe in making direct investments into aspiring pastors, leaders, and church planting initiatives to maximize the church’s potential for success. Our support approach is laser-focused, collaborating with specific organizations on targeted projects, ensuring that 100% of your financial contribution is directed towards the needs of the church plant and/or leader.

Double your impact

Grace Financial will match your gifts from a total fund of $25,000 in matching donations and secured commitments. Not only do your gifts directly support new church plants and leadership development, but your impact will be multiplied!

Your voice matters

By giving through Grace Financial, you can actively engage in the important task of ensuring sound governance, and you’ll gain voting rights for our board of directors. Furthermore, we provide regular updates on the projects we support to keep you informed about their progress and new opportunities.

Ready to give?

Click the button below to make a secure online donation

Prefer to mail a check?

Please make your check payable to Grace Financial and send to:

Grace Financial
PO Box 587
Winona Lake, IN 46580

Note: Please indicate ‘CP/LD Fund’ on the memo line of the check.